Check Out Our Current Promotion PDR Tools On Sale

Here is where you'll find deals that sell out pretty quickly. Get yours while supplies last.

Check this webpage often for special deals and promotions that are too good to pass up. Grab these PDR tools while they're still on sale.

Current Promotional Sale
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Paintless Dent Repair Tools Created With The Average PDR Tech In Mind

  As a seasoned Paintless Dent Repair technician, I consistently have the mindset of "what tools do not exist on the market today that would make our jobs easier, or quicker?" When I got into manufacturing, I was able to make some of these ideas a reality. As a quick example, we have a unique tool called the Bumper Ball, which has recessed threads for a PDR rod. These add strength to your pushes when fixing a dent on a plastic bumper. It also gives you more clearance when inside the panel.

  Another reason that I started this store is that I have noticed a trend that has concerned me since I started my career in the Paintless Dent Repair industry. That is overly expensive tools that are made of materials like carbon fiber or titanium that, while cool, they are ultimately unnecessary. Should a hammer really cost close to $200? Do we really need an aluminum knockdown that costs $85? With this in mind, I started creating tools that are affordable for beginners and the average Paintless Dent Repair technician. All of my tools are made from a strong plastic or rubber-like material. Even though these tools are strong, they do sometimes have their limitations. However, if the directions on the description page and paper inserts included in the packaging are followed, then these PDR tools will last.

Note: Important information appears on the description pages like this.

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